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Short-Term Missions Are Not Only For The Young

Short-Term Missions Are Not Only For The Young

The best part of the English Camp team is the diverse range of ages of team members, from young people to more seasoned adults, all working together . . . everybody doing their own job that fits the gifts that God has supplied them with. Short term missions are not only for the young but for the whole body of Christ . . .

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You Will Never Regret Doing Our Lord's Work On Earth

You Will Never Regret Doing Our Lord's Work On Earth

I encourage anyone considering a short term mission trip to remember that there are two sides to it. While we are there primarily to help the missionaries and those they minister to, we will also personally experience God's blessing and grow in Him as a result . . .

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A Place of Love and Joy and Fellowship

A Place of Love and Joy and Fellowship

Here at the Boardwalk Chapel we aren’t just another group of young Christians on a summer mission’s trip. The Boardwalk Chapel is different. We live together in one house as a community of believers, and each night we perform a program at the Chapel so we can share with people walking along the Boardwalk the love and joy that Christ shares with us . . .

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