Update from Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Missionary Associate to Uganda Jed Homan

Dear Friends,

As the new year begins, I find it fitting to provide you with an update on my endeavors here in Uganda. Having returned at the beginning of November, I commenced a 1-year term as a missionary associate with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. My focus remains on continuing the maintenance projects initiated during my previous visit.

Upon settling back into life in Karamoja, I wasted no time and began assessing the new problems that had arisen during my absence. Subsequently, I began prioritizing various projects and tasks to be accomplished in the upcoming year. About half of my time so far has been the construction of a new water tower on the clinic staff compound. This project aims to replace the current hand-pump borehole, which is currently being used.

The week before Christmas, with assistance from our compound workers, we successfully raised the tower and poured the concrete foundation. While there is still work to be done before it becomes fully functional, progress is evident.

Looking ahead to February, another family is set to arrive for a 1-year term. In preparation, I have undertaken the task of removing the old wiring from the house they will be living in. It was during my time here last year that I became aware of the less-than-ideal electrical system in this house, and I am happy to be able to address it before the Grimsley family arrives. I am now in the middle of rewiring the entire house with the help of a visitor who arrived last week. Just yesterday, we were finally successful in removing a mother cat and her 2 kittens that had moved into the attic of the vacant house. We gave the kittens away to 2 of our workers who were happy to take them home.

I am grateful for the constant prayers and encouragement I receive from all of you. Your support is invaluable. To guide your prayers, I have a few specific requests. Firstly, please pray for good health and safety as we carry out our work. Though I’ve faced some health challenges since my arrival, I thank God for the relatively clean bill of health and pray for its continuation. Additionally, I seek guidance in balancing my ambitious work goals with building meaningful relationships within the community. I am also studying the local language, and I appreciate your prayers for understanding and proficiency.


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